Saturday, January 15, 2011

Condo.....before and after!!!

Well, it is 2011...crazy! I can't believe how fast last year went by...I got engaged, planned a wedding and got married, attended 3 other weddings, finished anpther year of school (less than a year left!!!!), and we bought a condo!!

If you have been visiting my blog over the past almost 2 months then you would have noticed that it was somewhat neglected (Mom, I am referring to you here). Apparently when you have a month off school for Christmas break, it is easy to find other things to do rather than updating a blog....I did obviously!

Anyways, I finally got my butt in gear and dedicated some of my Saturday (which probably should have been spent on homework...oh well) to some much needed blog updates....either that or I was sick of my mom nagging me about how behind my blog was.

So here are some of the long awaited pictures of our new condo! We took possession of the condo 2 weeks before we actually moved in so that we could paint and put in new carpet. What a difference that made! we were so glad we decided to put the time and money into doing that because it made such a difference. So this virtual tour of our place is for those of you who have not had a chance to come see it in person....enjoy! :)

 Front entry BEFORE

 Front entry AFTER

 We decided to paint it BLUE (with a little nudge from my mom,
who got the idea from my favorite blog All Things Thrifty by Brooke)

The office BEFORE (notice the cheap, ugly carpet???)

 The office AFTER (with much better looking carpet....
...and Bella in the corner, she wanted to be included too!)

 The office BEFORE

 The office AFTER

 Main bathroom BEFORE

 Main bathroom AFTER 

 Master bedroom BEFORE

 Master bedroom AFTER

And here is the head board that I constructed after being inspired
by the one on my most favorite blog, All Things Thrifty

Master bedroom BEFORE

 Master bedroom AFTER

 Hallway BEFORE

 Hallway AFTER

 Livingroom BEFORE

 Livingroom AFTER

 Livingroom BEFORE

Livingroom AFTER 

 And here is the widnow valence I made to cover up the ugly patio doors...
...can you guess where I got the idea from? Yep, All Things Thrifty! :)

 Dining room BEFORE

 Dining room AFTER

 Dining room BEFORE

 Dining room AFTER

 And finally here is the cutest idea for a wreath (again, from All Things Thrifty)...'s made out of lima beans!

So that's our place, we are enjoying it so far and have definitlye learned a lot about fixing things up, painting, etc. It has been a fun and valuable learning experience!


  1. LOVE it!! Floral in the Bedroom... got to love Yen:) Can't wait to see it in real life.

  2. Sure lucky thing I have nagged you so much 'cause now all your followers have a new blog post to read & enjoy!!! Yeah, they can thank me later!! :) L.O.V.E.R.L.Y. reno & crafting projects that you & Mr. BryBry have worked hard on (with a little help from your momma too!!) :)

  3. It looks amazing Alanna! You have a definite talent for design - I think I'm going to have to put you to work....
